Worth 10 bucks?

I was just wondering if this worth a 10 dollar blind buy on Amazon? Any help is appreciated.

With just one touch of my burning hand, I send my astro zombies to rape this land.


It's a truly BAD movie; incompetently directed, sloppily shot. HOWEVER, if you like Tura Satana, and want to see John Carradine embarassing himself in a lousy movie, it's probably worth a ten spot, depending on your discretionary income level.

"Baby, I don't care."


If you like really awful movies, this one's for you.


Well I wound up buying it and watching it. Not the best movie. But good for what it was.

Fun fun fun in a fluffy chair. Blaze up the herb, whoof down some beer!



Yes, it is worth 10 dollars. It is a blast to watch and is very entertaining. The whole cast is great, but Tura Satana's amazing performance really stands out. She is always great. I bought the movie for the fact that she's in it and I wasn't disappointed at all.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.
