Episode clips

You can see Then Came Bronson episode clips here:

See them now. This site will not be active after July 2012.


Can someone PLEASE help me find a website that will allow me to watch one of the episodes of Then Came Bronson.

The episode 'Who Needs an Ark with a Centaur' was filmed on my boat on Lake Mead, and I've spent hours, literally trying to find it. Some of the sites say they have that episode available to watch and /stream. But then after I've gone through quite a lot of steps and waiting they say it's not there.

There must be somewhere where it still exists, shouldn't there? Even just the trailer. I'd like to see it all, but what I'm desperate to see is any portion/scenes that has our boat in it.

Thanks so much.

Rhonda Richardson
[email protected]


I responded to your youtube message with info I think will help. Good luck. And by the way, the michaelparks4u site will be up for another year - but not sure if the TCB episodes will ever be completed.


Yes, I had seen that, but that didn't stop me from asking someone else
out there who might know where I can find it, not necessarily your site.

How would you go about getting the video if your mother was dying and she wanted to see that show one more time?


I emailed you a short clip posted on youtube. You might want to contact the guy at jimbronson.com for the DVD.
