Their Real Ages

I noticed in watching one episode that Stephen Lewis' dialogue got less harsh, more chummy with Reg Varney.

I looked them up to see that all the male cast members were from London.

Of them all, Michael Robbins has the least London accent.

But then I noticed their ages.

Reg Varney was born in 1916??

That would make him in his mid-fifties when this show came about?

What is even more astonishing is that Stephen Lewis was born in 1936, making him 20 years younger than Reg?

And the actor who played Jack was born in 1932.

They all really looked their ages, except for Reg Varney.

This guy took care of himself for a man in his mid-fifties!!

And the actress who played his mother was only eleven years older than him!!


Kinda unbelieveable isnt it?


"Of them all, Michael Robbins has the least London accent."

I would disagree with this. Whenever he insults poor Olive, he has a distinctly cockney accent. But whenever he tries to impress someone, like a woman, he turns on the sophisticated posh voice.
