MovieChat Forums > The Brady Bunch (1969) Discussion > Things we never saw the Bradys doing...

Things we never saw the Bradys doing...

Eating fast food is one thing that comes to mind. You never heard them refer to "going to Burger Chef" (I am sure they could not use real names on the show) or having any type of fast food.

Having food delivered (pizza, etc)

Going to an arcade


I don't know if pizza delivery was much of a thing at all in the late 60s/early 70s. I could be wrong though.


It's funny we never had food delivered until a Dominos opened up in my town in the mid-80s. They really seemed to change the way a lot of the local places did business and more and more of them began offering delivery from that point forward.


Yup. Absolutely!!


Having fast food in the early 70's was rare. My local Mcdonald's didn't even have an inside, you just ordered at a window.


When we were out of school in the summers in the 70s my mom took us to eat at Burger Chef or McDonald’s on Fridays when she went to town to get groceries, but other than that we didn’t eat out. I never had takeout pizza until I was grown.


I remember a restaurant called "Burger Chef". I ate there a few times while on various trips. It is my understanding that they went out of business. I wonder why.


Because the Brady's never ate there.


Haha! And I thought I was making a place up!


We ate at Burger Chef a lot as kids in Indiana in the 70s. They sold out to Hardee’s in the early 80s.


That is all very interesting. I remember Hardee's. They used to have them here in New Jersey.


I heard of Burger Chef on Mad Men as well.


McDonald's may be cheap, but feeding six kids there would still add up. Why fork out, when you're already paying a maid to do the cooking anyway?


True, but you never even saw any of the kids going. They had allowances. I remember lots of times going for a slice of pizza, or to Burger King (now I can't believe I thought that garbage was good then, lol) with my friends, using my allowance.


If the Brady kids were never seen out with their friends, it's probably because the show's writers wanted to keep the emphasis on the interrelationships within the family.

So we never saw any of the Brady kids have a long-term best friend, or group of friends... or a boyfriend or girlfriend for that matter. The last is really pretty damn unrealistic, Marcia and Greg were attractive and more than old enough to be serious with someone, but nooo! That wouldn't have been innocent and family-oriented.


Maybe for the time. Family Ties was a family-oriented show, and both Alex and Mallory had long-term relationships.

That could have actually added a chance for some more comedy. Marcia dating a hippy type guy. Really nice guy, but Mike and Carol a little apprehensive of him like Steven and Elyse were of Nick.


I recall Greg only kissed a girl on the cheek one time. They were at the beach ordering food.


Playing with a toy.


They did play games, but now that I think about it, we never did see them with toys. Other than Cindy's doll and Bobby's kazoo.

Oh, and Peter's detective kit, which he was really too old to be playing with at that point.


And that stupid plastic elephant that does flips in the same episode. Then Bobby pulls all that crap out of his pockets.


Using their brains?



I don't recall them ever drinking fizzy drinks. It was always milk with meals.
They didn't watch much TV either.
