MovieChat Forums > The Brady Bunch (1969) Discussion > Living with the Bradys, stuck in 1972

Living with the Bradys, stuck in 1972

If you could somehow magically go back in time and get transported to Brady World circa 1972 as a permanent guest in the Brady home would you? You would be treated as part of the family but would have access only to things that existed in 1972--so no cell phones, computers, internet, video games, etc. Time would never advance so it would forever be 1972. I would do it in a second!

God created the domestic cat so that humans could know what it's like to caress the tiger



(they had booze in 1972, right?)


Yes. And funny... I made an animated cartoon band that takes place in the 'groovy era' which is 1966-72. Wouldn't go a month beyond that loL.


I would be Cindy and Bobby's age so I wouldn't be able to drink. I think I pass on return to 1972.


I'd go too! Simpler times but happier ones.


I would hang out till 1974, skip the rest of the bad parts of the '70s, jump ahead and hang around for 1983-90 then to 1995-2000.


I would bring my iPad tablet, and I'd be wearing my Red Sox 2013 World Series Champions t-shirt.


So-- I get to go back in time and be the age I am now, but living in the Brady House? Would I have my own room? Or would I get the attic? Would I be a freeloader or would I have a job?

I've already lived through 1972 and it wasn't that great. Really. Every single night was Vietnam. Everyone hated Nixon. The Munich Olympics were a bloody horror show. Women were treated like sh!t. We only had seven (!) TV channels.

Now if you amended your suggestion so time did not stand still and I could buy stock with the advance knowledge of which sectors would be successful --- and then return to 2016, well then I would do that. Also I could tell John Lennon to watch out on 12/8/80 so he wouldn't be shot. I could tell John Paul II to stay home on 5/13/81, so he wouldn't get shot. I could tell James Brady to keep Ronald Reagan home on 3/30/81 so they both wouldn't get shot.

Never say never...


Yep. People tend to remember the past with rose colored glasses, at least as regards their childhood (if they had a happy one). I was born at the very end of 1968, so was just a little too young to remember much of the year 1972. But I have very happy memories of the years shortly following that. But I was a kid, and had the innocence of kids -- and this was before helicopter parents became a thing, so my friends and I spent a lot of time out and about in our neighborhood. It was a happy time.

I'm sure for my parents it was different. Bills, work, the gas crisis of the 1970s, the malaise era, stagflation, etc. etc. As a kid, naturally most of that wasn't even on my radar. Yeah, if I had to go back and be a kid a again, 1972 would be fine. As an adult, I'm not so sure.


As the saying goes, "The Good Old Days... weren't."

I think the good old days sentiment comes from just wanting to be young again. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to be 28 again, but most things are better today.


Beaver in 59


No time is perfect, but compared to 1972, most things today suck.


Nixon was reelected by a.landslide.


Nixon was reelected by a landslide. I wouldn't have liked to live in that household- too clean cut.


Could I pick an age to be? If I lived with them, I'd love to be a teen, 16 - 17, junior or senior in high school.


Since I was actually born in late 1973, I would go back, wanting to be younger then Cindy, so I would get the baby of the family treatment.


No 3 kids in one room.
