I've also thought of adding "Octopus's Garden" -- it seems practically tailor-made, just didn't come along 'til after the film. The scene where Ringo is accidentally ejected into the Sea of Monsters could've been modified so that the situation he arrives at is initially agreeable; he then sings the song. It would only be after that that his difficulties would erupt and he would need to be rescued...
Alternatively, I would've liked to see "Strawberry Fields Forever", near the end when the meanies have been "won over", and they set about restoring Pepperland to its former glory and beauty. This is actually not far from how the song was presented as a segment of the TV cartoon series, in one of its BEST episodes! (It even ends with John echoing George's line from the film, toward the end of "All You Need Is Love", "It's all in the mind, y'know!")