MovieChat Forums > Will Penny (1968) Discussion > Preacher Quint IS Pa Angel

Preacher Quint IS Pa Angel

Preacher Quint's (Donald Pleasense) gang really reminded me of the Angel Gang from the Judge Dredd comics/film. Same demented gang with an evangelical style leader wandering the wasteland murdering, torturing and stealing . Maybe John Wagner (think he was the original Dredd writer to introduce the gang) had seen this film first! Come to think of it Charlton Heston would have made a GREAT Dredd instead of Stalone!

Great film by the way, saw it on Ch5 for the first time recently. Great performances from Heston and Hackett. Pleasense made me cringe a bit tho, his acting always skates the line between genius and ham for me.

'Zed's dead baby, Zed's Dead'


Pleasence put in the performance he was meant to. That's what made him so brilliant.

He can play a role straight like Dr. Loomis in Halloween, but also knows when to go over a little over the top.

The character of Preacher Quint is over the top and out there and Pleasence does a wonderful job. Had he played it straight it would have been terrible

I tried doing that once, making every minute count. It gave me a headache- Adrian Monk


Great little gem all except for Pleasance over acting, I couldn't take him seriously. He played a very similar character in Soldier Blue which didn't help that film either.


I think the movie would have been much better if the entire Preacher Quint thing had been cut out. This movie plays like two films grafted together. I think Tom Gries should have done a couple more rewrites and thought of a better subplot.


I thought Pleasence was great in this. never really been that fussed about him really but he pulls the nutjob evangelist psycho off nicely. As said it just wouldn't have worked if he'd played it straighter.

Quite an iconic image as well when he's holding up the guns and shouting across the river. Born to play the part.


I think Slim Pickens would have made a more convincing Preacher Quint.

"When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it!"


And I think that YOU need a firmer grasp of the elements of narrative storytelling. The conflict between Will and "Preacher" Quint's gang is the MAIN story, without which there would be no story and no movie. Will's relationship with Catherine and Horace is the main subplot, albeit a necessary one, in that their presence forcing Will to winter in the line shack and, ultimately, protect them, puts him right in Quint's gun sights.


I watched this movie again tonight and thoght the exact same thing, totally reminded me of the Angel Gang! Donald Pleasance was brilliant in this film!
