MovieChat Forums > Where Angels Go Trouble Follows! (1968) Discussion > Casting for a remake of 'Where Angels Go...

Casting for a remake of 'Where Angels Go'

If it were to happen, I would cast Susan Sarandon as Mother Superior and Emma Stone as Sister George.


gonna-need a Hot/Young Actress , for the Role of ROSABELLE !

Any Suggestions ???


I usually find movie remakes to be quite amusing, as I like to compare originals with their remakes, just to see how the story was reimagined. And, sometimes I prefer to remake to the original -- my love for BUNDLE OF JOY (1956) -- a remake of the Ginger Rogers film, BACHELOR MOTHER is a perfect example.

However, Susan Sarandon -- while a good actress -- is no Rosalind Russell, and in this case, I would be almost certain to be disappointed in the remake! Because the old actresses are the main reason why I loved the movie -- Rosalind Russell and Mary Wicks especially!

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!
