Dolores Sutton's Donkey Story
Recently reading the excellent biography of Mary Wickes there is an unfortunate and clearly false story in it by the late Dolores Sutton that does not shine favorably on Rosalind Russell. According to Ms. Sutton, her character had a comic bit where she rode a donkey into town after the bus broke down but she did it so well in the rehearsals the scene was rewritten and given to Rosalind Russell!!! In fact as anyone who views the movie today can see, it's not Rosalind Russell who writes the donkey into town but Stella Stevens, and it's not played for comic effect in the least. It's also far more in keeping with the characters for Stella Stevens' liberated, open-minded nun to have decided to go to town on the donkey than the sheepish, mousey nun Ms. Sutton played. It's possible in the original script the bit was given to Sutton given she really has very little to do in the film (also a point to consider the bit was never hers) and it seemed improbable and given to the nun most likely to have done this, however any way you figure this Rosalind Russell is not in the scenario so it's a shame Ms. Sutton's faulty memory got this story wrong and made Rosalind look like a diva out to get every possible good bit in the film which is absurd given Mary Wickes as one of the other nuns gets quite a few delightful bits. I am surprised the author let this one go by given surely he could have screened the film to confirm the tale.