Have you ever watched the scene closely at the boy's school during the dance while "Where Angels Go-trouble is playing? Marvel Ann is jumping around like a mini bat-girl LOL guess she can't dance!
When I watch that scene, I always get the impression that she's not so much "jumping around," but trying to find a spot to fit in. Everytime she would try to dance next to a boy/group of kids, it was almost as if she was invisible to them. Sometimes it's so hard to try to fit in - I'm glad I'm not a teenager anymore, lol!
That's exactly right. Every boy she danced with turned the other way. I noticed this even though my eves were on the hot chick who was shaking her body at the band, dancing with most of the guys, and in the middle of a '60's mosh pit that consisted almost entirely of males.
In the 60s, all you had to do is shake violently and that was considered dancing. Watch any 60s teen movies and the dancing is crazy. I mean I'd hurt and break my bones if I'd dance like the kids did in the 60s.
Marvel Ann's role is supposed to be a nerd-like and book-smart. No, she can't dance, but if you call 60's dancing, dancing than nobody could dance in that era. Just jump and wiggle violently.
The last four posters are correct. I have loved this movie since I first saw it when it was new. I never miss the opportunity to watch it again.
The fact that anyone even notices Marvel-Ann's "dancing" was a big part of the long shot of the kids dancing together. The whole scene consisted of young Catholic boarding school boys and young Catholic boarding school girls getting together for about the first time and actually managing to orchestrate a Co-ed Dance! That several-second-long wide shot in which we may or may not notice socially insecure Marvel-Ann trying to get a boy to dance with her was very definitive of her character and bittersweet at the same time. The long shot was more of a panoramic view of the whole group. Marvel-Ann was not the focus and that's what makes that wide shot brilliant. I was always charmed by Marvel-Ann!
Yeah, Marvel-Ann's character was the only thing that was better in this movie than the first one. This was a set-up to the later fight between her and Rosabelle when Rosabelle gets sidetracked by a boy. But you really had to look at the dancing scenes to pick it up. Chalk it up to poor directing.
Even Marvel-Ann's father was played by the same actor in both movies, with the same issue with "business associates". I have to admit, it wasn't until the sequel that I fully realized he was Marvel-Ann's father as well as Mary's guardian, and that Marvel-Ann and Mary spent a lot more time together than most cousins would before coming to the school.
Nothing was more distracting than that 6'5" boy in the brown striped shirt who was dancing like he was on meth! I couldn't take my eyes off of him to notice Marvel-Ann!