The theme-song is SUPER!!

I just wanted to say that that theme-song was so catchy and pretty! I loved it! It's stuck in my head, as I type this! Hehe!

I don't remember it being in the first one, was it?

I am the movies I love! (^_^)



yep !

TOMMY BOYCE and BOBBY HART had recently scored a Hit "Single" , "I WONDER WHAT SHE'S DOING , TONIGHT" , followed-up by "OUT & ABOUT" (They performed That-One on "I DREAM OF JEANNIE" , but , for Some Unknown-Reason , This Recording wasn't-promoted very-well ... shoulda-been a Big-Hit , for-Them !!!

It is "performed" in the Party-Scene , in the Film , but I couldn't-see Either TOMMY BOYCE or BOBBY HART , Anywhere , in "the Band" !!!


Boyce & Hart are listed as preforming in the movie but they are definitely not the guys in the band at the boys' school.

"Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows" is one of my all time favorite theme songs for any movie!

The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it. - Cesar Romero


It's GREAT!!


The song definitely captured the spirit of the sixties era.


I think the song is rather saccharine and cloying not to mention unimaginative - but it is catchy. Someone said to the composers, "Here's the title, write a song to go with it." So the composers just sang the title of the movie over and over. Don't take it personally, I really think it is an unimaginative song.


But, like an ISIS recruiter, it gets in your head and doesn't let go !


Yeah, but it's still fun to listen to. Honestly, even some of the most lame-a** songs of any genre from that era are still fun as heck to hear.


I heard it tonight when I rewatched this movie and it really IS catchy. Fun song!

