Identify this actor?


I just watched this movie, and I recognize one of the actors from somewhere, but I don't know where, and it's driving me batty. Clicking the names in the entry for the movie hasn't helped, and the character didn't have a name in the movie. He's the one who at the start of the bank job went to the guard in the booth and said he wanted to leave a message for someone. While the guard was writing the message down, the character stepped inside the booth and pressed his pistol into the guard's side.

I have a feeling I saw the actor in a show as a kid, but I can't pull the memory out of my brain. Can you help?

Pop culture smackdown:


It's Addison Powell.



Aha! He's the one:

I may be remembering him from "Dark Shadows," but I was so young then, it's hard to tell. Thanks *ever* so much for identifying him for me, and for settling this one once and for all before it drove me out of my mind!



You're welcome! I have been playing "Spot the Character Actor" for about 40 years. I still get tripped up sometimes. But I recognized Powell from Three Days of the Condor.


You're going to have to spot this one again. It's Sam Melville. I just watched this movie tonight on TMC and was curious myself about the same guy. There's a picture of him in the credits.
