anyone else agree?

I think the original is way better for this reason: People don't make movies like this anymore!! Back then, they were so much more intellectual, deep and enticing. They drew you in and made you feel....THINK! I don't think the movie-going public of today (for the most part) could appreciate movies of this caliber. Think about Butterfield 8, or countless others that far surpass films of today.


You are so right. Everything now is high action car chase and fights and/or graphic sex. Ever seen the "The Tao of Steve"? Steves my man.


The "Tao of Steve" is a great film, but nothing can compare to the real McQueen in a real film like this. No graphic violence or nudity – but sizzling action, tension and sensuality. They don't make 'em like this anymore – and I have little interest in what they make nowadays.


so true




I think you're right, they just don't make movies like this anymore. Though every once in a while, there's a decent attempt. I thought that Ocean's Eleven remake was good, though it was a remake. I think corporate control has gotten to the point where directors aren't allowed to take risks like they used to or stray from "the formula". So we're stuck with pretty much the same thing. Movies just aren't as stylish and classy like they used to be.

Dear Vorenus, I don't **** your wife.

-Erinne "Rome"


I think the original is a better movie as well; the remake, while I liked it a lot, and am a fan of the principles, is too capery by comparison.

As for McQueen, he truly IS the Man, he's timeless. He could step out of this movie or Bullitt and into any contemporary movie, blockbuster or otherwise, and not miss a beat. A lot of past greats, you can watch the movies and appreciate the greatness, but they're of their time, not to say dated, necessarily, but McQueen is as fresh as ever. He blows me away. I wish he were still with us.



As awesome as this movie is I have to disagree with you. I think the people of today like movies that make them think and feel; just a few that come to mind are Pi, Requiem for a dream, Mulholland Drive, the Happening, JFK, etc. I am a fan of old movies but I can't dismiss movies of today.


Those movies, you point out are quite "particular" whereas The Thomas Crown Affair was a "mainstream" movie back then. It's only fair to compare it to mainstream movies from "today".

I always thought of TTCA and Roman Holiday as of movies that would not have this kind of ending nowdays (the TTCA remake proving my point). Sigh.


Uh, sorry Sheridan Clark, you're wrong. Those movies you mentioned, yes, perhaps they were somewhat enigmatic, but they were not great. They weren't even very good, and in fact, The Happening was, in my opinion, the WORST mainstream horror movie ever made! Yes, the absolute worst!

No, movies of today don't hold a candle to ones made 30 to 70 or so years ago. I suppose, like everything else in our culture, art has been dumbed down, or sagacity has taken a turn south, or there just isn't the pool of talent available now like there was back then, I don't know. But the disparity between the two along with the bankruptcy of quality film making of today is obvious to the artistically aware. Exceptions: Adaptation, Crash (Don Cheadle version), Sidways, The Sixth Sense, to name a few.


People don't make movies like this anymore!!
Thank God for that. Old movies put me to sleep, and this one was no exception.


Thank God for that. Old movies put me to sleep, and this one was no exception.

And yet these "old movies" kept entire generations entertained.

Doesn't that ever make you wonder if it's you that's missing something, rather than the old movies?

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Absoloutely correct. I'm 35, so this movie was made 10 years before I was born but there's something about the 60's films I love.

They didn't mind having moments to pause or to make the audience put 2 and 2 together. I genuinely appreciate moments of no dialogue, body language and facial expressions doing the acting (see the chess scene)

I need more films like this, recommendations?


Movies are at their best when silent! All those scenes you mentioned conveyed over exactly what was necessary . . .


I agree. Movies today are so predictable and cookie-cutter. No way in 2013 does the "studio" allow McQueen to DITCH Faye Dunnaway in the end. No, you get the lame (see it from a mile away) ending like in the remake with Brosnan and Russo (DAMN, saying those names is like they aren't even in the same league!)

Anyway, Older films, say prior to 1975, are written better and usually acted better. Yes, some older films suffer from "over-acting" but I'll take that anyday over the cardboard hacks we try to pass off as actors today. And isn't it interesting that the so called great actors we think of today, Nicholson, DeNiro, Pacino etc. have their roots in that past? Really, the "Twilight Kids" couldn't act their way out of a wet paper bag.

Too many of today's youth suffer from A.D.D. and/or laziness. They need instant action or the damn thing spelled out for them bluntly to "get it". An iconic scene like the "Chess Scene" from Thomas Crown would not play well with them, even though it is a great piece of film making. I had a 20 something co-worker tell me the best movie ever made was TRANSFORMERS for GODS SAKE!!!!! LOL, I about had a brain anuerism upon hearing this!!!

"Im telling you when my boss sees these figures he's gonna have a stroke."
- Rudy Russo
