Valleycats has the best to say. Thomas and Vicky were of the same professional sucsessful mind set. Two examples: when Crown sold his building his somewhat snide remark to the buyers, "You over paid", Vicky, on the other hand got the IRS, had him staked out, and out-right told him that she was after him at the art auction -- she's a head hunter. And, she states to the cop that she is imoral -- only in it for the money.
During the investigation, those two like minded go-getters come close to, if not indeed, fall in love. Crown's make up, "Who am I going to be tomorrow", is more important than love, (even though it is something he wants or needs), he can't have a snooper in his life that would bring him down. That's why he plans the second hiest -- to beat the system. Vicky IS the system.
Crown set it up for her to make the choice. She did not have any evidence on Crown -- first or second robbery, only a big hunch. Crown's final smile was a combination of expressions -- look at it again and you'll see two, maybe three expressions in that one smile shot. He is happy for pulling off another bank job, he is sad to have lost a woman he truly cared about, and he's content to move on. His affairs are in order, (by his giving power of attorney to his man on what to hold and what to sell regarding his assets upon his leaving).
Back then, a million dollars was a lot of money. He was quite set to live a fine life. I saw his three smiles a wonderful ending that sumed up all of the adventures he had been through.
When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property - Thomas Jefferson