Whats the point of Crown saying: "Samba, Sugarloaf, Jungle, Pirhana"? Are they the codewords for the bank and is he giving the money back?
shareWhats the point of Crown saying: "Samba, Sugarloaf, Jungle, Pirhana"? Are they the codewords for the bank and is he giving the money back?
shareThere is probably not a more effcient (but sometimes cryptic)word user in movie history than the Thomas Crown character. This string of words is just used to sum up the situation to Vikki.
My guess...
Samba - the 'dance' that Crown is playing with Vikki and the police.
Sugarloaf - the money
Jungle - refers to the real world
Pirhana - (police) they don't make deals, much like a pirhana won't share a sugarloaf
There could be other interpertations
"This picture of Al Dutcher bothers me."
There could be other interpertations.
Oh I like yours very much.
Uh, I thought he meant he was going to Brazil...??
He never said where he was going, did he?
My best decipher, after 30 years of countless viewings:
Samba = pleasure, leisure
Sugarloaf = high and mighty, security, immortality.
or ? (tone of voice drops)
Jungle = struggle, mediocracy, uncertainty.
Pirhana = hunted, fear, slow & painful death.
I think it is an exsistential moment, where Crown is reconsidering the path he has chosen, after falling for Vicki. But, it doesn't last long.
I just watched this last night and I think he was talking about rio de janiero, where he was planning to high tail it to after the second heist.
shareDon't try to read too deep a meaning into this. I think it's just a little shorthand code of his, to tell her where he's going, namely Brazil. Probably Rio - isn't "Sugarloaf" the nickname of the mountain that overlooks the city?
shareIt just means he was considering running off to Brazil. Which of course he wouldn't do, because he would never give her accurate information unless she "turned over" after the last heist, which she didn't do.
The alternative meanings posted here are hilarious!