Rosemary's Baby = The Stepford Wives
1. Married couple moves into new home
2. Man brings home a group of creepy, annoying, older "friends" wife doesn't like
3. Man seems dopey and easygoing but actually has devided everything
4. Wife's suspicions aroused but husband scoffs or downplays everything
5. Bad, highly unusual things happen to wife and others
6. Wife attempts to discuss with husband who scoffs and downplays everything
7. Wife suspects poison in what she's drinking
8. Wife eventually figures out the truth but realizes everyone will think she's nuts
9. Wife figures out her only chance is to see a professional outside her current circle
10. Husband tells her to see someone new INSIDE the circle. Wife declines and picks her own doctor.
11. It is revealed the group has been several steps ahead of her all along and her husband had been in on it from the beginning.
Only real differences are:
In step nine, with RB she sees a doctor who is also in on it. In SW, it is a psychiatrist who isn't.
In RB's ending the wife's baby is doomed, while in SW the wife herself is.
RB's secret is supernatural (probably). SW's secret is ... sci-fi horror?
They're both excellent stories but you can't deny that Mr. Levin was repeating himself.