House used in '24'

If anyone is interested in seeing how the house looks in 2006, scenes from the American-Russian Los Angeles summit in the new season of "24" were shot here. It appears the same. It still has the same steam and footbridge in front.


Sorry, the word is "stream", not "steam".


which scenes/episode...I didn't recognized it at all...



Oh, man, this used to be my dream house when I was a kid and first saw the movie (over and over again, thanks to my Dad who loved it).


Haven't seen "24", but the interior of "The Party" was filmed on a set at MGM. At least that's what they say on the DVD.


no, unforunately only the exterior of the house is real. the interior was a studio


The exteria shots were made with a real house – the inside of that house was rebuild on a sound stage. Referring to several production needs such a "rebuild" means a more or less close referring to the real architectonic interior.

However its not unthinkable that some characteristic marks from the real interior – like the bridge – were picked up by location designers and can be found in the film AND in the real house...


According with the DVDs of 24, the interiors of that house are an expensive set, and the exteriors are a horse stable.


I can only imagine what that house would be worth today in the hollywood hills if it actually existed as in "the party'. I wouldn't be surprised if some designer picked up on it; the only negative i could see is how hard it would be to heat in the winter and if the owner came home drunk or tired how easy it would be to fall in the water at the entrance
