MovieChat Forums > Hellfighters (1968) Discussion > Maybe Time for a Remake? Hellfighters

Maybe Time for a Remake? Hellfighters

I first saw this as a kid too in a real Theater (not thoses little boxes)
and have it now on tape. Old fasion you bet but the fire scines still hold up.
Might be fun to do a Remake (since everyone is doing them.Lame old tv shows!
With all the oil fires during the first Gulf war. A exicting story shouldn't
be to hard to write. any film makers out there want to try????
PS: I'am a character actor needing work!
Will work for Film,
Tom L. [email protected]



Red Adair passed away not too long ago but he was called to Kuwait to help put out the oilwell fires caused by the irag army in the first gulf war, it was expected that it would take over two years to put them all out, Red had it done in less that one i believe.


check out the IMAX - Fires of Kuwait


Red Adair was just the epitome of cool. I remember as a news director at a major radio station during the first Gulf War how Mr. Adair and his company got those raging fires in Kuwait under control in far less time than was originally expected.

I was amazed shortly after that to read Mr. Adair was something like a technical advisor on "Hellfighters," and I guess he may have had a cult following all along. Mr. Adair's big Texas sized kick-butt attitude definitely set the stage for getting the job done in Kuwait.


There sort of is a remake already - caled Armageddon. Instead of oil fires it is an asteroid that is about to impact the Earth.


that's really a stretch! That's like saying "oh god -- you devil" with George Burns is a remake of "The Exorcist".

Or that Cujo is a remake of Benji....


That's not a remake, that's a poor excuse of a movie that's also the biggest waste of film ever recorded.

It's like saying summer is a just a remake of winter. Apples and oranges baby.

How can you say that tripe is a remake of an amazing film like this? I'm not the biggest John Wayne fan in the world, but even I stop to watch this movie.


> That's not a remake, that's a poor excuse of a movie that's also the biggest waste of film ever recorded.

OMG! Armageddon is one of the greatest disaster and action films ever made.

And it earned over half a billion dollars.


The flood of remakes recently (some of which did not need to be remade) reminds me of the unofficial motto of the Army. "If it ain't broke, fix it untill it is."



Way too funny but true. I think this would be a movie that could be remade in the spirit of Red Adair and the fires in Kuwait. I have only one issue. There are very few actors that could play such a "big" character. My stepfather flew choppers in Vietnam and then flew for oil services throughout the 70's and early 80's, he had the chance to meet Red Adair on more than one occasion. While my stepfather's ego is like most pilots of that era, big, he said on more than one occasion that Red's was what it was, he was the best in the world and knew it.. then add on to the fact that John Wayne played the first character.. well... i think it would be a hard roll to fill adequately.. to capture that true rugged american spirit, the nitty gritty, hard working, hard playing, live by their own set of rules , ethics and mores good old boy and do it very well.

Red Adair put the fires out in Kuwait in 9 months. It was predicted it would take 3-5 years as there were three fields burning, some of the highest producing fields in the region.



I agree with Hueydoc....

John Wayne is irreplaceable.

Remaking any of his movies is a travesty.


There are only a handful of actors who could pull off a remake in the John Wayne mold. Casting would be tough given the soft and sensitive nature of modern day Hollywood leading men. Tom Selleck would be one, though he's not a box office draw of the same caliber as Wayne. Clint Eastwood would have been able to play the Wayne role maybe ten or fifteen years ago, but his best days are behind him. Gene Hackman - great actor but not suited for a role like this. Costner? No. Tom Cruise? Don't even go there. It would be tough to cast indeed, and maybe it's best this one was left alone.


I agree that remaking ANYTHING that John Wayne has made would be horrific. NOBODY could do as great as John Wayne. However, if they do remake "Hellfighters", I think that Bruce Willis would be as close as you could get to do Wayne's character. Just my opinion. Anyone else agree?


Hollywood could never remake a John Wayne movie. They could never find an actor to play any role that John Wayne has done.

i just watched Hellfighters again last night. Great movie one of my favorites


As I've said about other movies -- why remake the good or great ones? There are lots of bad movies in the past. Remake them, but why remake something that is already good? Just because you can do something does not mean you should.


They need to make a movie about the life of Red Adair from his bio.


I love the Duke, but there are some actors today bad-ass enough who could portray Adair.

Russell Crowe

Mel Gibson

Liam Neeson

Michael Madsen

But of course, Robert Duvall or Tommy Lee Jones (channeling Gus McCrae or Woodrow Call of Lonesome Dove) would simply kick ass as Adair in Kuwait.


Well, I doubt that they'll find anyone as sexy as Jim Hutton to star or co-star in the remake.

I still want to see this movie!

Jim Hutton: talented gorgeous hot hunk; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


Anything that came out of Hollywood now would have an "in your face" anti-drilling political message. They would be more interested in telling the message than they would in telling this story as it should be told.


You are absolutely correct. Also were all the envro protestors when Sadam Hussein was starting all these fires?



No need, especially today.

They’d make Wayne’s character a PoC actor and Hutton’s would be a lesbian who falls for his daughter.

Nobody wants that.
