Good film

This is as pro-American propaganda as you are going to get. I don't like propaganda, but will let it slide with this one, as I love everything to do with Space, and anything good and bad can happen there. Having said that, it is still a really enjoyable film.

James Caan and Robert Duvall were really good, and especially when they were talking to each other while in flight. The film was good as it progressed, however it really ramped up and became very good, once Lee reached the moon, then it became a joy to watch. The twist with the Russians was fabulous. Very unexpected.

This Space Race film is beautifully shot and the acting was very good. Everything was very believable, even the training. It's also really interesting to see that a film like this was made, before the actual moon landing. Makes you think about who inspired who.

Well worth a watch.
