MovieChat Forums > Coogan's Bluff (1968) Discussion > Question for republicans

Question for republicans

Imdb is a favorite place for freepers, dittoheads and other assorted righties to come bash films they perceive as liberal. You hardly ever see someone do the opposite. This isn't because "hollyweird" does nothing but churn out lefty propaganda. To be honest I dont know what the reason is, but there are loads and loads of films that are ones that must please people on the right (Juno comes to mind).

Anyway, this film just trashes New York relentlessly from beginning to end. Everyone here is stupid and provincial. It's full of junkies and queers and and criminals and prostitutes, while the "cowboy" is superior to them all. But Coogan is really a total ass if you think about it. He treats women like manure. He is also a serial rule-breaker. So I wonder if some people thinks this balances the film or, god forbid, do they think those things make him cool? Does a righty's macho sensibilities, not only excuse Coogan's traits but make him more likeable to them? If you do then ask yourself this - was it ok that he had illegal sexual intercourse with a minor? He sees Linny's profile in the psycholgist's files. It clearly says she is 17. He then finds her and screws her. Is that ok?

Oh but then he goes back and literally throws her around the room and then starts choking her - no not for kinky sex, for information of course.

The end if classic. The other woman who he treated like crap and used and abused sees him off and throws him kisses from the helipad. Classic.





Yes it is. He didn't have unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. The age of consent in New York State is 17. So, she was able to give it. :-)


Why inject politics into this movie, or ANY movie, for that matter?


Are you NUTS? There a a lot of lefty posts on IMDB complaining about Christianity, and many other conservative values depicted in films


Grow a pair.


You gotta love these people who come here looking to fight about something that has nothing to do with the movie...Its your own closed mind that brings you to the conclusion that this movie carries with it some sort of political message showing liberals as bad while promoting right wing (in your mind) inspired actions. Kindly leave the political BS out of my movie enjoyment, thank you.

As for what you say about NYC and its issues. I travel there from what you would certainly call a redneck heaven known as Texas several times per year. New York City has its issues but unlike your description I do not find it to be full of anything other than a few hundred thousand too many people. Crowded streets and constant exposure to the people you describe doesn't make me think in the least that is all that is there. If you get enough people in one place you are going to see more of what you call undesireables, though most of us don't see them such. Go back to your rock and try to pick a fight with someone who might for some unknown reason might value your opinion enough to dispute such ignorance.



Oh, for Pete's sake. It's a MOVIE.

Look, I'm not with either party, but I lean more toward the liberal side. I love this movie anyway. I don't take it seriously; it's an action movie. It's meant to be entertaining, not a political standpoint. Honestly, according to some people, anybody with any liberal leaning can't like any action movie. It's hogwash.

Put it on the Underhills' tab...


I'm not going to just complain that you're injecting politics where it doesn't belong. I'm one of those who has complained on boards about liberal bias in entertainment. Not to mention government, education and the news media. Your question may be based on a distorted view of politics in entertainment, but it's a fair enough one to ask.

I think what's going on here though is what might be called tit-for-tat. "You say we do it, so I'm going to make it seem fair by accusing YOU of doing it. SEE!? people on both sides complain, therefore entertainment isn't left biased; it's politically neutral."

A few of us haven't given up entirely trying to show people how left wing biased most people's whole daily experiences are, including their entertainment, so we point it out occasionally when it really strikes us. I've largely given up watching current movies or TV since the left went completely insane around the time of George W. Bush's election and 9/11. It's nothing but other cultures = good, man made global warming is real and going to kill us all, corporations and conservatives, especially religious conservatives = bad. [EDIT: actually to the left, conservative = religious; not true in my case]

The left has like 95% of writers/producers/directors/actors and when someone like IDK, Mel Gibson actually DOES make a right biased movie - which I haven't seen any of; I don't know that he's a good example - it just seems so far out in right field to everybody because they think their far left biased world view is actually centrist.

You probably think you're getting it straight down the middle when you watch most news, with MAYBE a slight left bias from MSNBC and a GROSSLY right bias from FOX. If it wasn't for people on the net pointing out all the examples of gross left bias you'd still be thinking MSNBC is neutral.

My point is, people like you can't perceive that almost everything you see on TV or in theaters is subtly (or not) pushing a leftist agenda, and when you see something by one of the few entertainment people who's brave enough to admit *gasp* he's one of them CONSERVATIVES you assume everything he makes must be pushing a right wing agenda.

It's called transference and it's very common among liberals. They assume everyone else does what they do, and accuse the other side of doing precisely what they do. Thus we know an election is coming up when the left starts screaming about voter fraud on the right because it's standard operating procedure for their side. They figure if they accuse us of doing it first people won't think they do it. If you want to know who cheats elections, all you need to know is which side is for voter ID requirements and which side fights ALL attempts at making that standard practice, and all attempts at cleaning up the voter registration rolls.

Leftist creative people usually can't seem to make entertainment that doesn't push their social or environmental ideas because "it's just too important...," so they assume the right does too. Therefore you assume whatever view comes across in a Clint Eastwood movie must be a conservative view. I'd grant you that conservatives (the majority of the country) were tired of seeing the results of liberal policies in the criminal justice system in the 60s, and that probably gave us "Dirty Harry." But if you think that means conservatives want cops blowing the bad guys away before they're convicted, you're naive, and might I say engaging in stereotyping?

Most of what you seem to interpret as right wing bias in "Coogan's Bluff" is the way New York City is depicted. As I understand it, the seamy depiction of NYC is pretty accurate for the time the movie was made. I'm a SF Bay Area person born in the 60s, and if the movie was set in SF at the same time period I don't think it would be out of line. Hippies, psychedelic drug use, sexual experimentation... all very Haight/Ashbury.

BTW, as I understand it, what was required to revive NYC from its decline was a Republican mayor: Rudy Giuliani. Maybe that's why you think it's unfair to paint NYC as a corrupt slum: it isn't anymore.

Is Coogan a rude, violent jerk? Yep. That doesn't mean Republicans like rude, violent jerks. Would he be more likely to vote Republican? I'd guess maybe so. Shall we ask ourselves how most "good" characters in movies today would vote? And we all know that all the corporate bosses that make up the repertoire of villains in today's movies would vote Republican, because they're written that way.

We sure know how the leaders of all the countries that the left is so fond of portraying as utopias full of peace loving victims of American imperialism would vote in our elections: They come out and endorse the Democrat every time. Happy with that, are you?


BTW, I watched "The Eiger Sanction" right after "Coogan's Bluff." I suppose you think Dr. Hemlock's attitude about enemy countries being equally entitled to possess WMDs makes it a right biased film?
