MovieChat Forums > Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) Discussion > The Child Catcher ... (again, sort of) ....

The Child Catcher ... (again, sort of) ...

I'm not sure if I'll get shot down in flames for this, but I really don't think that they could ever "remake" this brilliant movie with the Child Catcher, simply due to the fact that these days, all the horrible paedo stuff would change the character completely into something that, when I was a child, didn't even exist, and people's imagination would take the movie into unwanted territory.

I don't know - I'm probably just talking bollox hahahahahaha


I think it could be remade today with all of the original characters. I never got the idea that the character of the Child Catcher was meant to be a pedophile. And I don't think that most kids would go into that territory while viewing either. I always got the impression that he was a creepy, evil villain who's job was to rid Vulgaria of children, not molest them. Maybe I missed something.

Not saying it should be remade. But if it ever is, they should seriously consider chopping the film length down an hour.

"I must express myself." - Delia Deetz


Not sure about that as some are dead (the Baron) and most are in there 70s or 80s except the kids.

I so agree that much of the movie could be cut out. As much as it doesn't follow the original book I think the two movies in one should stay (all the vulgaria parts) but the film does take forever to get going, even the car race at the beginning goes on and on for ever. Seems we are a third the way in before the car even appears.

The child catcher does not give me thoughts of a pedophile either, I don't think he wanted to even touch kids let alone more. The hook he carried though gave me airy that he may rip babies from their mother's womb, most scary thought!

As an adult I can say I love to see the baroness in all her hotness, but really what were these scenes of attempted murder by her husband doing in this flick? I am sure, just like the play version, this would all go away in any remake. (too bad) Truth is as much as this was a kids movie, the writers and directors were all from warped backgrounds, with many Bond movie connections. They brought lots of this to the movie right down to naming the female role Truly Scrumptious. and adding scenes of attempted murder of a hotly dressed woman (the baroness) all very bond like.

As much as Ian Fleming wrote this book, it had none of his Bond style in it, all had been added for the film


some are dead

Grandpa's gone
The Baron's dead
The Toy maker too
And is the Child Catcher
I'm pretty sure Edison isn't around anymore.

I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.


Not sure about that as some are dead (the Baron) and most are in there 70s or 80s except the kids.

The original characters, not the original actors who played them. Slight difference. :D

I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?


A grown man offering children to lick his lollipop free of charge. Nothing horrible or pedo about that.

I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.


Not only would many "go there"--since becoming an adult I have been unable to view the "If You Sit on my Lap Today" song from Santa Claus is Comin' To Town the same way--and the Johnny Depp version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory very much did "go there," moreover I realized on today's viewing, even before the Child Catcher appeared, how the current political catastrophe is ruining everything, even kids' movies I've always liked! The latest, of course, being concentration camps on American soil in which undocumented immigrant children are forcibly separated from parents and detained in third world conditions while the fake first lady taunts them asking if they are making friends at camp! Look at what the phony president has said about immigrants and then what is said about "foreign children" in this movie when Jeremy and Jemima are brought in caged. There is disturbingly little difference. When the movie was over I went looking for memes and sure enough several had beat me to it but you'll have to Google them yourself as this forum still has no way to post pictures!


Some people today have nasty suspicious minds.


Michael Jackson didn't exist when you were a child?




I was scared of that Child Catcher as a kid. The film makers did a great job with his character.

This is truly a superb children’s film with very great songs and colorful cinematography. I always loved it, but that Child Catcher…! Brrr, to this day….


Crazy character and very well done.


The character is in the stage version, so I don't see a problem.


The Child Catcher Was Horrifying
