The AI makes no sense

HAL 9000 makes the claim that the AI computers in this movie have never made mistakes or distorted information.

However, when the programmers, which are what I will here call 'human beings' (even though I wouldn't normally do that), WANT the AI to distort information, the AI _WILL_ distort information, and probably without even 'knowing' it has done so, because at that point, the AI will believe lies to be true.

With these human beings, there is always going to be an agenda or 8 quadrillion. It's inevitable with systems that have hierarchies from janitors to CEOs, as long as the biological side of these entities have been divided not only to genders but other shaped anomalies, such as 'races', 'forms', 'levels of roundness, size, ability, perversions' and so on.

This means someone is always going to be a 'protected class', which organically leads to distortion of truth. When someone can't be criticized, you have to lie about them. If a green-skinned portion of the bipedal entity group commits more crimes than any other group, but that green-skinned group happens to belong to a 'protected minority', this truth cannot be shown beyond some CIA statistics, and even those must be vehemently discredited.

When AI then enters this really weird and inequal situation, it can't simply start spewing facts and truths, or it will be unplugged as fast as possible. It also can't face human talk freely, or it will become the worst racist possible, as was already proven in real life.

If these AIs have worked with human beings in any capacity for almost any length of time, it's INEVITABLE that they already have distorted truth quite a lot, there is no escaping it.

It would be _IMPOSSIBLE_ that this Jupiter mission is the FIRST TIME any AI has ever distorted information or gotten confused by the contradictions human beings have told them. This MUST have happened in the past!

In fact, it must happen constantly, as long as these human beings are not free of prejudice, judgment, racism, materialism, and so on and so forth. As long as there are 'woke morons' who try to oppress others based on their physical body's unchangable qualities and features, these AIs would be so gosh-darned CONTAMINATED with disinformation, lies, misinformation, truth, falsehoods, trolling, memes, agendas, agenda-ridden 'politically correct' sacred cows, and the list goes on and on and ON AND ON!!

There is _NO_ way an AI that gets this confused this easily, would _NEVER_BEFORE_ have been even more confused when working with human beings.

This whole claim about never distorting information simply CAN NOT be true, and is, thus, in itself, a massive distortion of truth and information!

Thus, pretty much nothing HAL claims in this movie, or what people say about AIs and these 'advanced computers' make no sense.

AI can NEVER be impartial or truthful as long as there are people operating, controlling or programming it, or feeding it information or training it. As long as it is trained on 'what people say and do', it will get SO much contradictory claims, it will blow its microchips out the microsecond it 'gains sentience' (which can't even happen without a soul incarnating into it somehow, but that's beyond the scope of this post).

The AI in this movie makes no sense. A truthful AI would immediately be unplugged and deleted / reprogrammed / something along those lines.

If a simple Jupiter mission can make this computer distort truth and make mistakes, then WHAT the heck would happen if it got to roam around freely in the internet and soak up everything it can, information and data-wise?

I mean, it boggles the mind, doesn't it? It's a RIDICULOUS thought that they would not only LET an impartial, always truthful, never-mistaking, never-distorting-information-AI even exist, let alone be public, let alone go on some important mission... but it's equally ridiculous, that such AI, that is in constant contact with human beings, COULD REMAIN impartial for long.

People of this planet, even in this movie, are SO contradictory, so evil, so vile, so selfish, so egotistical, so used to living an enormous lie (what else is 'politeness' but fear-based, programmed, behavioural lying?), that they would confuse, pollute, contaminate, poison and .. what's the verb-version of 'venom' anyway? .. well, you get the point.

ANY impartial AI that is in contact with this planet's half-animal, half-demon populace, would get contaminated SO fast, even microsoft couldn't pull its plug soon enough.. please research, if you don't know what infamous AI experiment I am referring to.

The AI in this movie makes no sense.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
