Has anyone ever seen a 1969 season episode?
Has anyone ever seen an episode from the 1969 season? If so, when did you see them? I heard that they last aired in 1983-84, but I have no recollection of seeing them. What part of the year in 1983 and 1984 did they air, and which ones do you remember? Thanks.
I know that 1969 is when King Friday and Queen Sara got married. Does anyone remember seeing that episode? Also, I heard there was an opera where Lady Aberlin is the caretaker for a teddy bear, played by Daniel; and she can't find the teddy bear, so she sails around the world in a whaling ship, with John Reardon as the whaling captain, in order to find the teddy bear; and I think I heard that they go to Scotland. I know I nevr saw that opera; and I heard that it stopped airing even before 1983. Does anyone remember it, and when do you remember it? Thanks.