Clips of mothers breastfeeding their babies.
Alright, I seem to remember once, when I was very young, seeing an episode of Mr. Rogers where he showed some clips of mothers breastfeeding their babies. Now, maybe it was another show and all these years I just thought that it was Mr. Rogers, but I know that I definately saw these clips on T.V. It was a shock to me, b/c I had never seen a mother and baby bfing before. Now that I'm grown, and I have a daughter that I breastfed, I have no problems with this being showed on T.V. In fact, I think it ought to be shown more, b/c I feel that the reason that people are uncomfortable with seeing bfing moms, is b/c they don't see it enough here in the U.S. It's not a big deal in other countries where more women bf.
Anyway, I hope I don't start any debates about bfing, but I just really wanted to know whether it was on Mr. Rogers or not. And I only explained why I'm interested.
Thank you.
"The hideousness of that foot will haunt my dreams forever."share