Danno also lived in at least three different apartments, if you count: in "Most Likely to Murder," "Beautiful Screamer," and "Journey to Limbo," Danno was shown living in a different apartment each time. They probably were unable to maintain the same set or film in the same building each time.
All TV dramas, with the exception of soap operas, did not dwell much on the characters' personal lives, because it wasn't the focal point. I remember you mentioning Man in a Steel Frame to me a while back, and how Cathy was only seen in flashbacks. I think that episode could have been a two-parter. We also don't know what Charlie Ng did to wind up in jail. Most likely, he was involved in the usual gangster stuff - drugs, extortion, gambling, murder, etc., but it would have been nice to see him and McGarrett fight it out, with a lead-in to Ng planning his frame-up of McGarrett.
If it means anything, I have had the pleasure of talking to a close friend of Jack Lord's since last year, and he told me that Jack didn't want to do "Man in a Steel Frame" because it focused on McGarrett's personal life, and he wanted to have as little focus on the main characters' personal lives as possible. This was in keeping with Lenny Freeman's vision as well, and it was typical of the time.