Jonathan Kaye

What was the reason for having 3 dffrnt actors portray character Jonathan Kaye?


What was the reason for having 3 dffrnt actors portray character Jonathan Kaye? - hamstercuddles

Three? There were six different actors who played Jonathan Kaye:

Why so many? Because "Hawaii Five-O" was on the air for a long time and the same actor wasn't always available.


Regardless of who playd him ,I find Kaye's
"Washington policies" manner to Steve to be irritating.

Steve calls him about something that could be a national problem and Kaye's more worried about politial embarrasment than allowing Steve to solve the problem.

Steve then has to (verbally speaking) stoke the man's fur to appease & assure him 5-0 will take care of it. How many times do Steve & the guys have to prove themselves? 

Oh by the it just me ,or does the Governor sometimes seem a
bit uh....slow to grasp things or seem a bit dim-witted? (No offesne to the actor of course.) As well as a bit demanding like Kaye?

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 🐕 *arf,man!*


Early on, when Kaye wasn't needed as often, they used a 'name' guest actor to play the part, I.e., James Gregory in the pilot, and Joe Sirola or Tim O'Connor in his earlier appearances.

When they started doing more Wo Fat/international intrigue episodes, and McGarrett needed Kaye more often, that meant they needed a regular actor for the role...after all, busy guys like the aforementioned Gregory, Sirola and O'Connor weren't about to go to Hawaii for a five-minute part. Hence, they turned to actors in the 'Five-O Players', more often than not Bill Edwards.
