Timelessly true to life

I feel that even though this film came out in the 1960's it can easily translate to modern times. The issues and situations that Joanna and Mark must face are something that I believe that people in relationships often face--and whether you have been married or not, I would venture to say that people who have even been in a long-term relationship could find common ground with these two characters.

The realism in which Hepburn and Finney project into their roles just makes it that much more affecting and real. I love this film, and I hope it comes out on DVD soon.


Timelessly true to life

YES!The greatest film about living after marriage.
Reduce life trully, surprising performance, an unsurpassed film!


I first saw this film when very young (16) and while it had a huge impact on my romantic ideals and expectations, much went over my head. Viewing it again as a mature woman (54) I see what an intelligent and wonderfully written script it is with 2 indelible performances by Finney and Hepburn. And every time I hear that Mancini song, I mist up. A unique film.

The only people who make no mistakes are those that do nothing.


Yes, I can relate. As a young girl, (16, like you, I saw it on "The Wednesday Night Movie", )I thought, that is what their lives are like. Mine will never be like that. Little did I know... I also become emotional when I hear Henry Mancini's "Two for the Road" (which was his favorite composition-maybe he wanted to share some knowledge about a long-term marriage? He was married to Ginny until he passed away.)


I so agree with your post. This movie was so far ahead of its time it was frightening and its timelessness is evident as I saw it for the first time just a few months ago and was completely mesmerized by it...a charming adult movie experience for the discriminating filmgoer.
