Bad couple

Personally I felt like these two should never have married. He certainly made himself plain about his feelings on the subject of marriage and she pursued him anyway. We don't see it but I'm guessing she did the asking. These two should never even had a conversation.


Throughout some parts of the film I totally agree with you. I watched this movie again last night and Mark indeed asked Joanna to marry him while they were at the beach (Joanna has long hair). He yells a proposal to her as she is running away from him.


I stand corrected.


They were tremendously attracted to each other-of course they had to had a conversation! Hasn't that ever happened to you?


With all due respect, the fact that they made a troublesome couple is sort of the point of the film. I enjoyed their constant bickering and watching how it changed (and didn't change!) over the years.

Have a piece of cheese.


it was part of their relationship :)


The whole point of the movie. Marriage in general, like life, isn't all roses, but is worthwhile in the end. Mark and Joanna had their problems, but the good far outweighed the bad. In the end, they were able to reconcile with this and considered their continued love worth all the arguments they had ever had.

I admit that this movie is an acquired taste (and not very well-known) but, still, one of my personal favorites.
