Not a Goof

Continuity: "During the opening of the film, the ad on the top of Mark Thackeray's Bus changes from BOAC to Pan Am and back to BOAC"

After watching the opening title sequence, Thackeray jumps on a Bus, a number 15 (with a BOAC ad on the side).
Then 2 buses are shown pulling in to Bus Stops, the 2nd one (which has the Pan Am ad on the side) is a number 18. Thackeray isn't shown getting on or off this Bus. The first Bus can't be identified, but it pulls out quite quickly.
The number 15 Bus is shown again pulling in to collect passengers, and we see that Thackeray is already on this Bus, as a Woman sits down beside him.
So I conclude that why would he have got off a number 15 Bus, only to get on it again. That's very unlikely, as the Story is obviously showing Thackeray travelling to his first day in his new job.


Wow! Try not to pick apart the movie,and find something else to do with YOUR


um, this is something that's mentioned right on the movie description on the site, and the original poster is explaining that it probably is NOT a goof. IS for picking apart movies and discussing them. I mean, at least that's what i thought members did/do.Pretty sure the site isnt for people to give other people a hard time for discussing movies on a movie site.


How to stop whining in four easy steps??!? It's a coping mechanism(mostly for children),not a way of life.



Need to review the DVD for your goof; but there is another one. In the scene where Thacks is talking about marriage to the class (before seals walks in to say his mother had died), Denham and Potter are leaning against the wall by tilting their chairs but when they begin to speak to the teacher they are slouched on their desks and revert to the tilting posture when Mr Thacks speaks to them.

C'mon, the Wire's not that good...


