Marvin walking/ Nightclub fight /Dickinson slap
Very good movie. Boorman's directoral style is unique without being too flashy.
Fav scenes;
1) Lee Marvin a man walking with purpose down a hallway to get to the home of the man who betrayed him. The sound of his shoes echoing down a hallway has a hypnotic quality, which puts the viewer in kind of metronome trance of anticipation. The choice of keeping this sound for a good 30 seconds as the scene cut to him in the car was brilliant!
2)Nightclub fight- not a super kung fu fight, but a nasty alley one where Marving hits below the belt. The end was perhaps what made it for me though, the cut to the James Brown clone screaming his song and to the girl who actually screams when she sees the beaten up man and then finally to Marvin, who looks on stoically with a 'red jelly' nightclub projection on his face.
3) Angie Dickinson's character wants sex from Walker (Marvin) but Marivn won't initiate so she gets mad at his and starts slapping him hard and beating on his chest. Marvin just stands there not saying a word as she wails on him until she collapses, than he calmly sits in front of the tv. A short time later Dickinson wallops him to sense over the head with a pool cue, then Marvin then realizes this IS Angie Dickinson and the finally do it!
"You sent us to guard the wrong man Mr. Chalmers."