o.k. dude, i just rewatched the first half hour.
1)yes, you are right, when he grabs/slugs the courrier, the furniture is back in the room. so either the empty room was in his head (as you suggested) or it was a sequencing gaffe on boorman's part.
2) the whole titles sequence includes marvin being shot in the cell, waking, and wandering down the halls(shot and holding his arm), sitting on top of a tall chainlink fence, and wading out into the ocean- to swim away i presume.
he's not escaping from alcatraz because it is no longer being used as a prison when his and Reeves' heist takes place, remember? he's left behind for dead, and is alive and on his way out of the building and off the island.
plse let me know you saw this post!
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