Scar Vs Shere Khan


Who would win? They are very similar but I think a tiger is more powerful than a lion.


they are not similar at all.
Scar is bad, he kills his own brother, intended to kill his nephew, is lazy, etc...
Sherkan, is a tiger who wants to eat Mowgly, and it's normal as it is a tiger and a tiger eats flesh.

The people often forget this difference. Scar is human and Sherkan is just an animal, but my son for example didn't see either the difference.
I explained him that tiger has to eat flesh to live. But nobody has to kill his own brother and nephew to live.


Um, Shere Khan is still bad, he's only trying to kill Mowgli because he hates/fears mankind because they have guns and fire. He's trying to eliminate mankind, that sounds bad/evil to me. Yes, Shere Khan has to eat flesh and meat to live, but there are other animals in the Indian jungle. He could have eaten some of them. So I think that the only difference between the two is that one is an oldish, thin, power-hungry lion, the other is probably a younger, not quite as thin, scaredy-tiger. As for my answer to the OP, I'd say Shere Khan, because Scar likes to bluff and hope his enemies will take mercy, and then he strikes. Shere Khan wouldn't bluff, and he wouldn't fall for a bluff.

Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.


Shere Kahn would just rip Scar apart in a fight.

In a natural circumstance, Scar would try to appear as if he sides with Kahn and help him slaughter Mowgli... then try to get Kaa to stab him in the back with a pointy stick.


Kaa would be better used as a hypnotist as in the actual film.......

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.


While I agree with the other person, I'd have to say Sher Khan, because he doesn't look as thin and wispy as scar does.



Scar, though he looks infinitely cooler, is a complete whimp. He's got the brains and he's really evil.. but he's just no match to anything the size of Shere Khan. Both have great voices.. but Shere Kahn would bashi Scar's head in in a second.


They are both equal in my opinion but Shere Khan definatly scared me the most as a child, in fact I'm a little embarassed to admit this but after recently watching the new jungle book dvd he still gives me the shivers, its just something about his facial expressions and the way he was drawn.

P.S yes I do realise that he is a cartoon character. but he is a scary one

''Someone oughta write that bitch'' - Donnie Darko


Scar is obviously the brains of any operation, I think he even says something like that himself, that Mustafa got all the brawn in the family. Shere Khan is a big, strong, scary tiger. Tigers are bigger than lions, anyway, especially one that's as physically feeble as Scar. While I prefer the character of Scar, I think Shere Khan's got it in this one.


If this was a sing-off the crown would easily go to Shere Kahn, even though he only ended a song in Jungle Book, he totally owned it and it was staggering the control he had over his voice - deep and resonant, a perfect bass.

However, Scar was used to singing and dancing along fire, with hyenas - so he's got a posse.

Shere Kahn is scared of fire and Scar really was only defeated in his later years after Simone grew up - and he didn't even kill his brother just, out eviled him.

I guess it all depends on how the fight gets underway, it's boxing style with a ref and all - Shere Kahn simply because he took on a bear and a jaguar at the same time, but if they have to hunt each other and fight gurilla style, I vote Scar becuase he would just burn everything.


If the characters were to face off, Shere Khan would win easily, unless Scar could out-think him. provides a lot of information about the lion/tiger battle concept.




Well, Shere Khan is larger and stronger- Scar couldn't even defeat Mufasa in a battle (hence using the stampede instead) and Shere Khan would be bigger than Mufasa. BUT Shere Khan in the original book would have been an equal probably as he was weak and lame, so the fight would be more fair.


Shere Khan. He wouldn't need an army of hyenas like Scar.


Sher Khan. Tigers are bigger and stronger than lions, and I believe Sher Khan can be just as cunning as Scar.
