MovieChat Forums > Dance of the Vampires (1967) Discussion > I have a question about vampires' hospit...

I have a question about vampires' hospitality

Why in ALL vampires movies, the vampire isn't biting and killing right away the people who come to his castle/house/cave?
Why is he always uses as a host to his "gests"?
Why not finishing them the socend that they appeare before him?...

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.


Best answer...because 20 minute movies don't make a lot of money.


Because they like to play with their prey. And guests are a welcome change in a secluded castle.


Because people have more to offer them than just blood. They live alone and are starved for social interaction. They're probably smarter than average (goes hand in hand with seclusion), curious, want to understand everything. They like to play mind games with their victims (don't we all?).

Not all vampires are dumb jocks as in Twilight.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~



But Carlile from Twilight is one of the smatrest vampires ever
He wants to learn everything there is, and not playing around with victimes

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.


Uhh no. Wanting to learn everything doesn't make one smart either.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~


That's not true about him :-)
In the first book it is said that he was a wise man, and now he has all the time in the world to learn :-)

I love you Krolock. Wait for me a year.


I think it's the same reason that all villains let James Bond live, and when they want to kill him they don't just shoot him, but place him in an easily escapable situation involving an overly elaborate and exotic death.


They´re very bored,they want to have somebody else to talk with!
Screw Twilight,vampires weren´t invented in that awful books!


Wanting to learn everything doesn't make one smart

Have you known an insatiably curious person who wasn't smart?


Well, in this particular movie the professor and Alfred weren't finished off instantly by the Count simply because they were supposed to be a treat for the guests at their annual ball.



it's like prof abronsius says "....they'll make her last as long as they can, it's their idea of FUN!"

I am *MAX POWERS*- dynamic man of action!!


Imagine your groceries would come knocking on your door from time to time.

You would invite them in, let them get comfortable... “hey, feel free to hang around in my fridge, and get comfortable”, .... and hence come dinner timer, you would eat it.

Similar thing here.
