MovieChat Forums > Fando y Lis (1972) Discussion > Favorite Jododrowsky movie?

Favorite Jododrowsky movie?

Whats your favorite Jodorowsky film and why?

I'd have to say El Topo because of the awesome scenery and weird biblical and zen influences in the story.

I love Holy Mountain too , and its seems so damn sacreligious but who cares, its an awesome movie!

Fando Y Lis i kind of like, but I can't really get into it.

I have to give it a few more viewings when im more chemically balanced.
*for shizzle*


I honestly enjoyed Fando Y Lis the most out of the three. I wasn't into the western and religious stuff in El Topo. The Holy Mountain I loved for its incredible visuals but to me it seemed so obvious and pretentious. Perhaps it's because I saw Fando Y Lis about six months before the other two but I clearly remember enjoying it more because I like the more raw experimental and panic movement influenced elements in it.


I think it goes:
El Topo
The Holy Mountain
Fando Y Lis
Santa Sangre

But I kind of like El Topo and Fando Y Lis the same. So it's a bit of a strange situation.

When there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth


The holy mountain.
Santa sangre.
El Topo.
Fando y Lis.

Haven't seen "The rainbow thief" yet.


I watched Fando for the first time 2 nights ago, and El Topo last night. Loved them both. It's hard to say which one I love more. El Topo has more "production" and all, but, Fando was charming! I just don't know. Can't wait for Holy Mountain...tonight maybe....

Darren Skuja


I take you have the Jodorowsky box set then?



The Holy Mountain is my favourite because its sacreligious. No offense to anyone but I cant stand Christianity, and the film coincides with my beliefs on life, which is legitimate.



1. El topo
2. Santa Sangre
3. The Holy Mountain
4. Fando y Lis
5. La cravate

Haven't seen "The Rainbow Thief" nor "Tusk" but based on the reviews I've read seems those movies aren't exactly the best works from Jodorowsky. Anyway I gotta see them.


It would either be The Holy Mountain or The Fast and the Furious.

Thank you all.


The Holy Mountain was way better than El Topo,

Christ! I never heard of "Santa Sangre", "Tusk", "La Cravate" or "Rainbow thief" before!
