
I don't see a thread on this-- not merely that No 6 is a kind-of-continuation of the Drake character from Danger Man, but where he's identified by name as "Drake."

Here's one: episode 16, "Once Upon a Time", at 18 min and 56 sec, No 2: "Report to my study in the morning, Drake!"

This might be the only time they were specific. Danger Man's ambiance drifts through episodes like "A, B & C" (that cheesy party) and "The Girl Who Was Death". But as far as I know, they never came right out about them being the same. Except here-- only, perhaps?


There's been a lot of speculation on this line over the years.What I think was actually said was "....morning break",but the way it was said sounds like it could be "Drake". Probably deliberately.

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There's been a lot of speculation on this line over the years.What I think was actually said was "....morning break",but the way it was said sounds like it could be "Drake". Probably deliberately.

I agree. I think Patrick might have enjoyed the ambiguity of that, and may have deliberately staged it so that the audience would keep puzzling over that line, trying to be certain of what they'd actually heard.


Huh...I always heard it as "Baker"... not "break" or "Drake"...!


Just watched the penultimate episode about an hour ago - McKern definitely calls Six "Baker".
