And it's very much of the zeitgeist of its time, which is so utterly different from the current one with its emphasis on geek minutia & making everything single little detail fit tightly into one another. Theater of the Absurd & revived Surrealism were very big at the time, with visceral imagery & psycho-drama favored over strictly linear, traditional storytelling.
A very good point. Although The Prisoner 'dates' for me hardly at all, there's no doubt the show and especially its finale were very much products of the times. As you say, surrealistic psychodrama was the model for much of the era's drama, both stage and film (check out movies/plays such as
Marat/Sade for an example of this); PMG was just taking his cue from the temper of the times, employing seeming absurdity to make cogent points about the topicalities of the day--some of which topicalities have remained pretty current into our day.
True, the current model is more detailed, more subtle, and definitely explainable in the end, down to the smallest point ... but it lacks the primal power of a program like The Prisoner, at least to me. And (again for me) "Fall Out" is everything good & dynamic about the creative mode of that era -- vivid, dazzling, messy, overwhelming, and leaving an impact that still resonates for me after nearly half a century now.
And that 'geek minutia' model which demands everything fit together in a strictly linear way doesn't always hold up either--viz. a program such as
Lost which spent years building to a finale which was in many ways just as messy (if more linear), certainly underwhelming, and deeply unsatisfying given the buildup the show's creators had promised pretty much from the series' outset. In
Lost, very few of the details ultimately fit together, but the end product lacked the power of The Prisoner's climax--fizzling rather than dazzling.