Pilot Movie

I had never seen the pilot movie, but I recently saw it on YouTube for the first time. It was pretty good. It was really interesting seeing all the characters at the very beginning and how their relationships with each other began, especially the Ironside and Mark - things started off pretty rocky with between them. Mark was especially hostile at first. It's fascinating to seen, considering their relationship grew into such a strong and protective bond as the series went on.

Also, Ed and Eve were especially flirty and pretty touchy feely with one another. They were still a little flirty in the series, here and there, but they really scaled back on the amount of physical touching. It's interesting too that Ed seems little hostile and not very trusting of mark at the beginning, which I guess makes sense given Mark's record at the time, while Mark and Eve seem to get on pretty well with each other off the bat.

I really liked the scene, later in the movie, when the Chief is about to give up and quit the force altogether after failing to catch a suspect because of his new physical limitations, which frustrates him greatly. He wakes Mark up in the middle of the night to tell him he's done a good job, as his assistant and in school, but that it's over. The Chief is done. Mark gives a very tough, but touching speech about how the Chief is quiting for both of them. That school's a drag, but he had to keep going as long as the Chief did, as long as he was working for him. But now if the Chief quits, he quits and they both go home. It's obviously something Mark doesn't want, but he's trying to make a point - and it works. The Chief doesn't quit, as we all know. It's a very touching scene.

The scene that follows that is pretty funny
