Not On TV Right Now

It's not longer on Heroes & Icons Channel as of January 17th 2017. For some reason, they stopped running it right near the end of Season 4 instead of completing it. New Lion of Sonora was the last episode(s) shown.


Well, it stayed on longer than it did on GRIT, which aired it for only two weeks.

No blah, blah, blah!


I always wonder how much of an audience 1-hour long dramas/Westerns get. Anybody ever see any data or Nielsens ?The cable audience is so fragmented I wouldn't be suprised if HC only had a few thousand viewers on Heroes & Icons and similar channels.

Sitcoms do much better, you don't have to watch them regularly to enjoy them. A soap like "DALLAS" does terrible in reruns or syndication because nobody is going to have interest unless they watch all or virtually all episodes. At least "HIGH CHAPPARAL" or "BONANZA" you can watch an episode here or there and not be lost as to what is going on.


That's true, ck427. I can sit down and watch Perry Mason or Have Gun - Will Travel anytime without having to deal with continuity and/or story-arc issues. The shows that have the latter will suffer in that regard.

No blah, blah, blah!


It's on INSP for now. We'll see how long it lasts.


Even though you aren't here, they obviously brought it back on Heroes and Icons. I can see it each morning at 9:00 central.
I always liked this show.
