Sexual tension?

Anyone besides me think there was always a low-level sexual tension between Sister Bertrille and Carlos Ramirez? In all their scenes together I always felt they were both a little hot for each other, but were working very hard to repress it.


Why blame him. I myself kind of like Sister Bertrille too!


I sort of agree with the OP. They did sort of flirt with each other quite a bit.

If my memory is correct wasn't there an episode where FN's sister came to visit and hit it off with Carlos and FN got a tad jealous.

Speaking of FN's and Carlos' relationship, it's also like FN was a mooch on Carlos. Always asking for money, land or stuff like food or dry ice all the time. Wasn't there anyone else they could beg from rather than him all the time. Sure he was rich and all, but he wasn't exactly the type of person a nun should be seen with all the time either. So why would a nun stick around a guy like that? One is to get stuff from him which seems to be one of her motivations.


I also agree with the original poster. If you think about it, a show about nuns should not have a leading man as one of the stars. This was post Vatican II, and nuns were supposed to be a bit freer-- but I think the network and producers had him on the show, to hint that maybe she would want more and not stay a nun-- if the show ran long enough-- I could see her winding up with him at the end. They didn't get that far, obviously. Also, I think they have to show her flirting a tiny bit, because they were probably afraid people would say she was a lesbian and all these nuns were lesbians or prudes, or both. So they show her as being in touch with her femininity, but obviously still bound by her vows.


It was established that Carlos was a former orphan of the convent, so he was devoted to helping. In The original book "The Fifteenth Pelican" the series was based upon, there was a friendly grocer who helped the nuns, an older man named Don Scarpo. I do not know if they had this character on the series, I did not see his name amongst the cast, and do not recall many episodes.

I know -- I felt sorry for the all the trouble FN caused Carlos. The ep where she made ir snow in PR, and the tourists left, then Carlos expressed worry about the people who would suffer, so he got $5000 from the fellow casino owners, and she dropped it -- then they all accosted him picked his pockets to get their money back! Poor Carlos!!!


Oh, brother. Sister Bertrille had about as much interest in Carlos as Brad Pitt has in Robert De Niro. Their relationship on the show was as platonic as it gets.


If you think about it, a show about nuns should not have a leading man as one of the stars.

Unless, of course, the network wanted to attract a large female audience to swoon over their leading man each week, and bump up ratings. After all, this was the late 60s, and feminism was taking shape - women wanted a sexy star in the shows they were watching (and they got one on this show).

I prefer fantasy over reality TV - like Fox News. - B.Streisand


This ^ right here.

Shhh! Adults talking here!


'Brad Pitt has in Robert De Niro.'
How do you know Pitt doesn't have interested in Deniro, or the reverse?
However, I agree: sexuality is now "seen" in every film /Tv show, for better or worse.


I used to have a huge crush on Carlos. Having him there worked for me.
