Halloween 1967

I went trick or treating in 1967, when I was ten years old, in a Sister Bertrille costume, beautifully made by my mother. I'm male. Everyone thought that it was brilliant. Nobody freaked out about the gender issue. If it happened today, I'd be the subject of a tug-of-war between Fox News and Huffington Post.


LOL! So true.

I remember around the same time (maybe a year or so later?) one of my classmates named 'Joanie' had a TFN costume. First she came to school in her costume, then she came with us trick-or-treating. She really looked like a little Sally Field.

Today, at 52, she looks more like Rosie O'Donnell.

I prefer fantasy over reality TV - like Fox News. - B.Streisand


I think that show touched something deep in me and in others. The desire to be able to fly like that. I still have dreams of flying that rely on strong wings. I think her habit was just an incidental for me with the real yearning to be able to do that.
Seth McFarland dressed up as her at the awards they let him host that one time. Wouldn't let him do it again after seeing his brand of humor. Shame, it was the one I liked best.


Nice memory. Thanks for sharing.


Ha! Brilliant! I think everybody entertained the fantasy of flying. I remember jumping off the side of our front steps with an open umbrella so see if I could fly like Mary Poppins did. I couldn't !


Things are different mow
