That’s my personal favorite. The LAPD’s Dynamic Duo engages in an episode-long debate with a Timothy Leary knockoff (beautifully played by Star Trek veteran Liam Sullivan, surrounded by great 60s drug props) about the pros and cons of drugs and the laws that deal with them. What made this episode unusual was that both sides score points and Gannon actually scores several of them himself instead of playing his usual Tontoesque role. David Vowell’s scripts were always among the best of the lot, but he outdoes himself with this one.
True. Both Friday and Gannon and also Brother William make some excellent points. But both sides are narrow minded and can only see things subjectively. The officers are right about drugs being destructive and William is right about society grinding out robots in lock step. In fact I enjoyed the debate a lot. Friday is really a philosopher as much as a cop. Even if you disagree with him you have to admit his viewpoints are very well thought out and his points well taken. Like Leary, William was essentially a crackpot, but with a few grains of important truth in his schtick. Great episode.
And also what's ironic is that Jack Webb himself was a boozer and heavy tobacco abuser. That's probably why he died at only 62 of heart disease. Sure all heroin addicts used pot 1st, but before pot they used tobacco, caffeine and alcohol, like him. Hopefully someday our species will evolve to the point where we won't need to put any chemicals in our bodies to change how we feel. But I sort of doubt it because every human culture has had one or more drugs that were widely used, legal and accepted. Unfortunately it seems like that's hard wired into us.
As the OP, I salute your response. Very valid point that Webb took endless shots at illegal drug users while killing himself with legal drugs alcohol and nicotine. Also very true that we shouldn't resort to chemicals to deal with life and, in most cases, deprive ourselves of some years of that life. I saw family members puff their lives away and at least one other drink his away, so I've always avoided both. Sure, many use alcohol and manage to control its effect, but based on the behavior of drunks that I've witness countless times, I believe getting that way even once is once too many. I have certainly missed some fun along the way because of that, but I have never lost control of myself.
Webb grew up when booze and especially cigs were considered "sophisticated," particular so among actors, and since nicotine addiction is among the hardest chemical addictions to overcome, maybe he just wasn't strong enough to do so.
Remarkably even athletes and doctors use to endorse cigarettes. But I doubt even back in the 1930s and before they thought cigarettes were harmless. They use to call them "coffin nails". So they must have had some clue they were not healthy to use.
Friday had a great line once: "No one wants to be around a drunk. Not even another drunk." More truth and insightful wisdom. In the fur theft episode he's at a bar and orders a glass of whiskey. He pays for it without taking a sip. Yes, he was pressed for time, but if that was me if I paid for it I'd drink it. It just showed how unimportant alcohol was to him.