MovieChat Forums > Dragnet 1967 (1967) Discussion > dont ya love the background music

dont ya love the background music

whenever hippies, beatniks, or druggies are involved? bongos, sitar, always good for a laugh.


It's like watching Perry Mason (the series, not the TV-movies) whenever they could fit in something '50's beatnik-y, with the smoky rooms and the berets and the sunglasses indoors....and Bobby Troup on piano or bongos. Had no idea how well-known that man was before we EVER saw him as Dr. Joe Early on Webb's Emergency! series.


Like the music in Brother Williams temple? Badly played sitar. See? Drugs= Indian music. Far out man.




Minus the reefer I would enjoy that atmosphere today. I was a weird hippie. I never liked drugs. Also black lights, lava lamps, beads hanging in the doorways, beanbag chairs and wooden cable spools for a table. Far out man. I'm sure just the sight of all that would make Friday barf.



I assume we all know Bobby Troup was married to Webb's ex-wife, Julie London? Obviously, there weren't any hard feelings considering the fact Webb produced EMERGENCY, which co-starred London and Troup. Also, Webb would spend Christmas Day with them and his daughters each year.

"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"
