Leaving MeTV in January...
along with ADAM-12
You can't go wrong drowning politicians Henry. The Black Swan (1942)
along with ADAM-12
You can't go wrong drowning politicians Henry. The Black Swan (1942)
Damn. I just started watching again after many years, and I'm really into it. Now it's leaving MeTV? I just read another thread that says it's coming to COZI TV...but I don't get COZI TV.
Nature photography on jigsaw puzzles:
I have all 4 seasons on DVD but still watch everyday on MeTV. This is a bummer.
Yeah, Dragnet and Adam-12 both available on Netflix. And thankfully uncut, unlike when they appear on MeTV or Antenna TV.
Now if that bastard so much as twitches, I'm gonna blow him right to Mars.
TVLand is the absolute WORST when it comes to butchering its shows. They cut out entire SEGMENTS of shows like "I Love Lucy" and "The Andy Griffith Show." It's so bad that I've removed it from my guide. That way I'm not even TEMPTED to watch anything on it.
Nature photography on jigsaw puzzles: