Anti-Gun Bias
I love Dragnet, but I don't like the show's anti-gun bias. I'm writing this on the day that freak went on a murderous rampage at a movie theater in Colorado during the premiere showing of "Batman - The Dark Knight Rises". Jack Webb wasn't just against criminals like that owning guns, but ordinary citizens, too. In the "Speak Your Mind" episode where Friday and Gannon appeared on a TV talk show, they depicted a man who wanted to buy a gun without a government paper trail as a disheveled, unshaven, drunken sort. He argued that its his job to protect his family, which included young children. They countered by grilling him on where he would keep the gun. Gannon chimed in and told him if he had time to get his gun, then he'd have time to call the police. (This was the same show that had them telling the head of the "Black Widow Party" that police need to be based in cars because of the big areas their limited force has to patrol.) Mr. Disheveled also added that he wanted to protect his country the way the Founding Fathers intended, without fear that his gun would be confiscated. This, too, was poo-pooed by Friday and Gannon.
To be fair, the Colorado shooter was apprehended moments later by police who happened to be on the scene for crowd control. He must have seen them outside before beginning his attack, yet their presence did NOTHING to dissuade him. Had an armed citizen, or several armed citizens, been in the theater, it might have ended sooner. I said "might", because the chaos that ensued would have made it difficult to pick out and eliminate the perp. In that case, it would be better for civilian concealed carries -- or openly-carried police guns -- to remain holstered. On the other hand, the creeps looking for money for their next fix, or to ignite Helter Skelter because that's what Charlie told them to do, could be stopped dead in their tracks by Mr. Disheveled if his 2nd Amendment rights were upheld by Friday and Gannon. Such cases happen all the time, but rarely get reported outside of the immediate areas where they occur.
And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.