MovieChat Forums > The Carol Burnett Show (1967) Discussion > Which of the Family Sketch are your favp...

Which of the Family Sketch are your favprites ???

Mine are (in no particular order)

The Family visits Jack in the hospital

When Mama was dating

when they Visit the Fancy restraunt

The Teacher she is TRYING to impress on them what bad shape their son is in

Mama's Birthday When we "meet" Ellen

Eunice on the "Gong Show"

When Eunice and Mama visits on Ed when he's at the harware store

When Eunice FINALLY goes to the physchartrist

What are yours ?


Well the main 4 I remember from childhood are:

1. Mama's Accident

2. Mama's B-day

3. The Retirement Home

4. Ellen's Anniversary

So those 4 will always hold a special place for me :)

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


My 2 favorites are:

1 the Family going to school to talk with Bubba's teacher (Maggie Smith)

2 cleaning out Mama's attic with Ellen (Betty White)


There are so many. One that i really love is Carol spoofing commercials of that time. Don't Sueeze the Charmin(g), Tidy Bowl Man, ect.


I haven't seen it in years, but I always loved the one where they were playing the board game Sorry.

I also liked the one with Betty White where they were cleaning the attic and Eunice tells the Fluffy bunny story.

But the funniest thing I've ever seen in one of the Family skits was probably never aired. It was an outtake where Tim Conway told a story about some elephants in a circus.

It's hilarious.

After Tim finishes the story also pay attention to what Vicki Lawrence says near the end and Tim Conway and Dick Van Dyke's reactions to it.


(knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny


In one Momma had injured her leg and had to stay with Eunice and Ed. Momma sent Ed over to her house to pick up some things she would need, one of which was cold cream for her face. So in comes Ed and Momma sees he had the wrong jar. It was a cold cream jar full of bobby pins. Momma screams " Everybody knows cold cream DOESN'T RATTLE!! "


They were all great but I like three of the four that I remember with Mickey Hart the best. They were so good that Tim didn't even try to crack up Harvey, so it's obvious they all took a lot of pride in those sketches. And they were right, they lifted the show to an even higher level. They rate with the best sketches ever done by any variety show. But the ones with the Harpers visiting lonely Mickey Hart's apartment and Mama getting a big laugh with "God only knows where that man's hands have been" when offered some dip or Mickey telling about the comments of the Chinese waiter when he ordered more food than usual were great. Mickey playing charades with the Harpers and Ed wanting to go to a convention with Mickey instead of Eunice were fantastic too. Both hilarious and touching.


I always loved the one where they were playing the board game Sorry.

That's my favorite one, too. Eunice goes so over-the-top with her temper tantrums, it's hilarious.

My family would imitate Eunice whenever we played that game, pretending to ring a little bell and yelling "SAW-reeee!" (I still say that every now and then to my brothers and sisters.) So many great, funny lines.

The out-takes from that skit are also classic.


Every single one of them! I wish there was a DVD of all the sketches by themselves, including Mickey Hart's "Elephant Story"


You can find the entire elephant story sketch on Youtube finally.

The only 2 I am missing are the 2 Dan Fogerty episodes.

Create a society in which you would like to live, not knowing what you're going to come into it as.


Yeah but most of them are a very crappy quality


The one with the Elephant Joke


The one where they are playing "Sorry".


A lot of the ones mentioned here were my favs but I think one of the scenes I laughed at the most was when Jim Nabors was the cab driver and kept wanting to be paid so he could leave their mad house of constant bickering then all of a sudden, Vickie Lawrence's Mama character started throwing the bowl of change at him yelling, "Just take the money and run! Take the money and run!"

Jim Nabors was just too funny in that one when he got down on the floor and started picking it all up, nothing short of having to resort to being a dog.

I also like the one where the Family visited their brother Phillip's Hollywood home. I think Phillip was played by Roddy McDowall in that one.

Also the one where Joanne Woodward, playing a hooker recognizes Ed as a former customer or something like that after being snubbed by Mama as being trash.


'you got splinters in the windmills of yer mind!'

Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.


The one I remember best had Madeline Kahn as an actress giving lessons to Eunice. My sisters and I still intone, sometimes: "In our circles, in our circles..."


Any board game as my family use to play these same games.
I remember marathon Monpoly, Sorry, Parcheesi games.

Had they gone on into the 1980s can we imagine a Trivial Pursuit game with the Harpers?

Rubik's Cube with any member.
