Similar movies
Anybody have any reccomendations for similar movies? I'm thinking of some dialouge-heavy, psychological dramas, with cat and mouse themes. Maybe like A Streetcar Named Desire, that kind of thing?
shareAnybody have any reccomendations for similar movies? I'm thinking of some dialouge-heavy, psychological dramas, with cat and mouse themes. Maybe like A Streetcar Named Desire, that kind of thing?
shareAll About Eve (1950) comes closest to me, it has one of the best dialogs too.
Antiparanoia is the eerie feeling that nothing is connected to anything else
I'd suggest the 2007 movie "Interview" (, it's a remake of a Dutch film from 2003 but it stands on it's own two feet as a very good film. It's definitely a cat and mouse game and it's very dialog-driven as most of the film takes place in an apartment and there are only two characters who just go back-and-forth with each other.
Interview does fit the bill, but the ending is a huge letdown compared to this movie.
Director Neil LaBute has made a few films that come closer:
In the Company of Men
Your Friends and Neighbors
The Shape of Things
Other similar films:
When Will I Be Loved
Glengarry Glen Ross
Closer (another Mike Nichols film, like WAoVW)
what the heck has happened to labute? he started out strong, adapting his own stage plays to film, but now he just does horrible studio pictures and/or remakes.
he's definitely my favorite living playwright... the steam-bath confession in "your friends and neighbors" is one of the most chilling monologues i've ever seen in a movie (though he really outdoes himself with at least two of the ones from his play "bash.")
I was going to recommend A Streetcar Named Desire, lol.
I think Mart Crowley's BOYS IN THE BAND filmed by William Friedkin (1970) has the same style of venomous attacks with a truth game thrown in.
For those not familiar, it is about gay friends get together one night to celebrate a birthday, unexpected "straight" friend shows up, causing conflict.
I think Mart Crowley's BOYS IN THE BAND filmed by William Friedkin (1970) has the same style of venomous attacks with a truth game thrown in.You beat me to it. ...Seriously, this is the movie to see if you love Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. I'd be willing to bet "The Boys in the Band" was heavily influenced by WAOVW. share
I would recommend:
Baby Doll...a E. Kazan picture from the 50's. One of my faves. Great dialogue and suspense, sexual intensity. Eli Wallach and Karl Malden are excellent actors.
p rob63 already suggested Baby Doll, and I whole heartedly agree. Great dialouge...interesting film.
I'll suggest Night Mother.
Fasten your seatbelts.... It's going to be a bumpy night!
There was a film adaptation of another Albee play in more or less the same vein, A Delicate Balance with Paul Scofield and Katherine Hepburn. I found it to be an anemic clone of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf - similar situation, but quieter and with far less humor.
The first half of I'm Dancing as Fast As I Can (i.e. the scenes of Jill Clayburgh and Nicol Williamson) remind me of what Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf would be if Martha were addicted to valium.
Unfortunately, the second half of the film degenerates into talk therapy movie of the week grade material.
Though these are all very different, I think of Sleuth, Husbands and Wives, and Network.
American Beauty has similarities, I suppose.