'Religion, politics and ...'

Hey people

From experience, Linus has learned the three things not discuss are "religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin". So my question to anyone out there is, what do you think are some topics that are very sensitive, ie. causing breakdown in communication? (Clearly, conversations and debate about any topic are possible given an open-minded group of individuals)
Just speculating, but along with religion and politics, sexual orientation and race are very touchy subjects. If anyone wants an example, here's a thread from the Aladdin board regarding whether Disney should have a movie addressing same sex relationships: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103639/board/nest/14087340
All I can say is, holy moly. I cannot believe all the dirt flinging that went on in that board.

Save a tree.
Eat a beaver.


The designated hitter rule.
Overtime shootouts in the NHL.
The Star Wars prequels.
The American version of "The Office."

Not to say I'm for or against of these. Just that they're very touchy topics.


Metric versus Standard


My friend used to say the three things you never discuss are religion, politics and pizza toppings. He said a lot of great friendships have ended over arguments over what should go on the pizza.


I count the sexual orientation debate as a subtopic of either religion or politics, depending on the context of the argument.

In all seriousness, the discussion of sports can lead to some pretty bad arguments.


Discussions on fears of riding roller coasters can cause huge arguments. That can be especially true if you are barely tall enough to ride them and you have parents that have second thoughts about you riding them due to their own fears. Just trying to convince such parents differently can get really nasty and even result on not being allowed to go to amusement parks.



agree. or in a calzone.

Aloha, Mr. Hand.


I once witnessed two brothers get into a heated debate over the urban legend that blood is really blue and only turns red when it comes in contact with oxygen.


If you have kids, here's a fun thing to try: Tell other parents with kids
that yours are better, smarter, prettier, and imply that you're a better parent
than they are. Hijinks will ensue!
This sometimes works with dog owners, too.

But isn't that true about the blood really being blue? That's what I've
heard, too.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!


Yes, it is true about blood being blue. But here's another one, how about JFK and wether or not Oswald acted alone? People love conspiracies, after researching and the history channel, I am convinced he did act alone.


Blood ISN'T blue. Blood is red because of the iron content in the hemoglobin. The veins appear bluish through the skin because of an effect called Rayleigh scattering.



Blood isn't b;ue...consider what color it is when they draw it from your veins into a sterile, sealed vacuum tube.

Oh no! We broke Mom's favorite vase playing basketball in the house!
- Darth Vader
