Take Charlie Brown off the air?!?

I saw this on my local news the other day and found the blog online. This dad actually wants the Great Pumpkin pulled from the air because of "bullying".

When is this nonsense going to stop?
http://blogs.babble.com/kid-scoop/2012/10/20/its-time-to-retire-charli e-brown/

-You're going to hit that, aren't you?
-Like a big rig without brakes.


I work at a preschool, and we watched this yesterday. I made sure to get parent's permission beforehand, and many had responses such as "sure, okay..." and "I don't see why it would be a problem" with perplexed looks on their faces. We talked about the children's behavior to each other during the cartoon, and many of my students were quick to point out "unkind" words that were used, and they still enjoyed watching every minute.

I don't see a problem, even if there are parents concerned over the use of stupid and blockhead and everything else.

Also, the mention of Amanda Todd is completely unrelated and is on a entirely different level compared to Charlie Brown.

"OMG Kevin Nash WTF thought he was dead LOL."


Any parent who would deprive their children of the Charlie Brown specials
is--well, a blockhead. What this naive dad and his equally clueless
wife fail to understand is that their children will eventually be subjected to
rejection/maltreatment by others, and attempting to shield them from it or
pretend it doesn't exist is only going to make them more vulnerable and unable to deal with it. Learning about it through a cartoon might be a relatively
less painful way to learn about it. Also, the early Peanuts specials were
intelligent, witty and well-made, and kids deserve such quality programming.
These people aren't doing their kids any favors.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



It's a damn sight easier for parents to demand the elimination of everything they consider "harmful" than to actually do their job and pay attention to what their little darlings are doing....in other words, to raise their kinds responsibly. No doubt while these morons are condemning something as harmless as a "Peanuts" special their spawns are on the internet sending nude photos of themselves to their peers.


I just don't get it. These parents who say this are the ones who also grew up with Charlie Brown. I don't know why they would want to take it away from their kids. They survived watching it. When did our society get so concerned with feelings and so P.C??? Ok little Jonny isn't good at football, is allergic to peanuts or isn't an A student. Neither was I but I made out pretty good I must say. Now back to the topic at hand... It's a freaking cartoon. Have them watch the original Land before time or for that matter any Don Bluth film. Emotional rollercoaster,lol.


It only gets ridiculous if They actually do pull it off the Air, from this request.

