The animated specials are mostly great, but as a fan of the strips I have always been irked by how they ruined Snoopy. Snoopy is one of the most articulate, and hilarious, characters in the strip, but in the Christmas special (and through most of this one) he just makes squawks. (This is similar to the mistake they made with the Hulk in transferring him from comics to screen and making him mute in the process.)
But at least in this one, they have Charlie Brown narrate some of what Snoopy would normally "say" with his thought balloons, when he is playing at his "WWI flying ace" schtick.
The whole World War I Flying Ace business has always been my favorite part of the entire show. Sure, Snoopy may lead a dog's life, but by God he can dream!
Now as for what Snoopy would say, I would think his dialogue comparable to that of any pilot shot down in wartime - and a good portion of it would undoubtedly be inappropriate for children!
His expressions and the sounds he makes have always (for my nickel at least) been more than enough to convey his inner thoughts.
Snoopy is the most useless and crazy character ever. If I could, I would remove him from ALL EXISTENCE COMPLETELY so the comic strip could be at least read without wanting to shoot and explode something slightly dog-shaped.
Snoopy became too surreal, too weird, sort of 'human without being completely human' character that ruined the whole strip and a lot of the cartoons as well. Snoopy doesn't require a well-crafted, well thought-out joke or a great storyline that makes us appreciate all the characters and their unique personalities - you can dump ANYTHING into "Snoopy" and it will fly, because Snoopy becomes just a container for 'any weird, wild stuff' Schultz wanted to put in.
(I write it as Schultz, get over it)
Snoopy was OK when he was still a 'normal dog with weaknesses'. Then he became some kind of Overpowered, if not Superpowered Alter Ego for Schultz's laziest jokes, cultural references and lowest-common-denominator-pleasing stuff that's mostly not even funny, because it's never grounded, so 'anything goes', so nothing means anything anymore.
I still liked Snoopy when he fell from his dog roof and said something like he's always going to be a .. well, I forgot, but something about always living on the lower portion of the house.
Then he suddenly became expert at sleeping at an impossible place at the sharp edge of the roof of the doghouse. No dog could ever do that, heck, no HUMAN could even do that without being some kind of adept, fakir or some kind of spiritual master of energies or being outside of a physical body.
If you notice, Snoopy strips increase and increase until they are majority of the comic, and this always lets me down. I want to just always skip to the more 'normal stuff', because there are great jokes and charming personalities there, interesting conflicts, a glimpse into the world of 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and even 1980s kids and american family life and Charlie's depression and all that.
But nope, we can't have too much of that, because Snoopy has to have a wacky adventure with the stupid bird, whose name is an obsolete reference to a 'magical festival' no one remembers anymore, or he has to perform some stupid animal imitation or 'dance' crap and MAYBE fight with Lucy or the neighbours' cat, or some other useless nonsense that only makes the audience groan.
Snoopy is a HORRIBLE invention, and I hope it was never created. If you read the Peanuts strip skipping all the Snoopy-stuff, you can realize how good it really is when that monster is not around.
I mean, really, WHAT is it anyway? A dog that plays baseball? Give me a break!
Make him into a normal dog or remove him, why would we want to watch him killing some german baron for 5 minutes in a row, it is NOT entertaining!
Snoopy is NOT relatable or interesting, Snoopy is not grounded in reality, and once you start realizing how empty and shallow this 'anything goes' container really is, you start wishing for the old days when he was just a small side character that didn't really appear that much, and even when he did, he was more a 'normal dog' that's fun to watch get startled by things and whatnot.
Snoopy is completely unrealistic, surreal, and as such, unrelatable and boring God-character that was not needed, the cartoon and the strip would've been BRILLIANT without him. He only brings things down with the depressing war crap that goes nowhere and the unrealistic 'wackiness' that contrasts so much with the grounded grittiness of Charlie's depression and realistic school and unrequited love life.
I think Snoopy sells, because people don't really 'binge-read' these strips by the decade, so they don't get just how boring and shallow the whole Snoopy thing is and becomes very quickly - but more powerfully, because he's supposedly "cute".
Stick any 'cute cartoon char' onto a coffee mug or a T-shirt, and the stupid, unwashed masses will want it and buy it, because they recognize it and it's 'cute'. Even if it's not really all that cute.
I think most people know Snoopy from the merch more than the actual strip. Maybe some would be surprised to see he actually appears in cartoons and comic strips.
Hands up, who here is ACTUALLY entertained by Snoopy's 'Red Baron antics', enough to want to read 20 pages more of JUST THAT right now? HANDS UP! Didn't think so.