Nicole's book

What was the name of the book Nicole was reading when she was in bed? It was something about Alfred Hitchcock



I think it was something like a "Alfred Hitchcock presents" sort of thing. I don't believe Hitchcock to have written any books.

I can do anything I want to Baby, I ain't lost


Its called Le revue du suspence, and yep its a Hitchcock


Hitchcock put out several compilations of short suspense/mystery stories under his "Alfred Hitchcock presents" series. I assumed it was something like that.


pretty ironic that Nicole's reading it when someone breaks into her house and its a 'scary' moment for her because she goes to investigate.


Plus it provides the opportunity for the absolutely most cute moment in the film - when she hides beneath the covers. And it extends the suspense for us - she brushes off the danger because she assumes that reading the book has made her over fearful. A common occurence - we've all been there - but the audience knows that there really IS something to be scared of! Great writing.


I wouldn't particularly be scared if Peter O'Toole broke into MY house...but that's just me...

~No sympathy for the devil...remember the ticket, take the ride.~


It depends. Would it be the Peter O'Toole of this movie? Or him as General Tanz, Eli Cross or Jack Gurney?

He's a peeler, 417, come to arrest the Zulus!


My grandfather has a couple of books--suspense/horror anthologies for which Hitchcock selected the stories. This one has some really great stuff in it:

It's called "Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Stories that Scared Even Me."
